Monday, December 30, 2019

5 Things You Must Do to Convey Your Personal Brand

5 Things You Must Do to Convey Your Personal Brand5 Things You Must Do to Convey Your Personal Brand16No matter how you magically attract the hiring manager to you, the challenge is to quickly and powerfully distinguish yourself. YOU need to stand out and be memorable.5 Things You Must Do to Convey Your Personal Brand1. Use the Right AmountYou want to think about your personal brand like the seasoning to a meal. The seasoning is the thing that transforms an entre from plain to Italian or Greek. As with seasonings, you cant be heavy handed. You dont pile on an herb without dire consequences nor do you add such a small pinch that you have accomplished nothing. Look for opportunities to inject a word or phrase throughout your job search tools.2. Repetition ReinforcesWith items like your resume and LinkedIn profile, you want to add words and phrases in multiple forms and several places to reflect your personal brand. Repetition is how we learn and the reader of your information is essent ially learning about you.3. Word Usage and CreativityRepetition will help you convey your personal branding concepts, but be cautious to not overuse any single word or phrase. This becomes redundant and boring for the reader, who will quickly lose interest and move on. For example, lets say you want to convey that you are dynamic. Dynamic is the sort of word that isnt overused in general but is unique enough that its easily remembered. If you repeat that word a few times in your resume, the reader will start losing focus and quickly dump your resume. If you check the dictionary, youll find the following words associated with Dynamic vigorous, energetic, aggressive, assertive, and forceful. Any or all of those words could be used to help reinforce the idea that you are a dynamic person. You can use different words to keep it interesting to read and still portray your personal branding idea.If you are working to strongly brand your job search materials, find a list of over-used and me aningless words so you can avoid the use of those words.4. Consistency Everywhere, All the TimeAlthough your resume and LinkedIn profile are the main things you need to stamp with your personal brand, you have other things you need to pay attention to in this process. Everything that represents you must be consistent and in alignment with the picture you are portraying. You never know what someone will look at to make a quick assessment about you. Here are some of the additional things you need to pay attention to for portraying your personal brandingBusiness cardsAll social mediaYour elevator speechThe items on this list dont have enough space to allow you to portray much more than one personal branding idea. Thats okay because you have to remember that the people who dont know you will still learn a few things about your personal brand from one sentence.5. Your Job InterviewWe dont always think about our job interview as a place to reinforce our personal brand, but what you say ab out yourself speaks volumes. No one can guess what you bring to the party- you have to fold in your personal branding as you respond to various questions. The interview is more than just your qualifications its about you as a person and future coworker.If you repeat your personal branding concepts across all of the various platforms you use and are consistent with everything a hiring manager reviews, you will be more than a piece of paper or a job title. You will be a person they want working for them.Readers, how do you convey your personal brand during your job search? Share your tips with us belowPersonal branding starts with how well you speak about YOU. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech. In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a wardrobe of ways to talk about you- to leave a lasting impression.Brought to you by Dorothy T annahill-Moran- dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

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